Will of Seth Graunte, 1546/7

Herts RO 3AR74

In dei nomine amen the xxiind Day of January in the yere of our lord god 1546 I Sethe Graunte in the p(ari)sh of saynte Lawrence in Wynslowe do ordre and make this my last wyll and Testament in man(ne)r and forme folowyng firste  I bequeath my soule to allmyghtye god owr lady saynte Mary and to all the holy company of heavyn and my body to be buryed within the churchyarde of saynt Lawrence in Wynslowe aforesaid. Also I bequeathe to the mother Church of saynt Albayns ij d to the high Awlter of saynte Lawrence of Wynslowe a bushel of barley. It(e)m to ev(er)y Awltar wythin the said churche a bushel of barley Item to the Roode lyght a bushel of Barley. It(e)m to the bells a bushel of barlye, and this barly to be delyv(er)ed, at such convenyent tyme as shalbe most expedyente for to be paid within iij yeres of next following of the date hereof It(e)m I wyll my mother shall {shall} have one acre in ev(er)y Fyllde plowyd and sowyne and brought home in to her barne at the costs and charge of myne Executor executrix therwyth one acre  whych lyith {lyith} upon greate Ashe Furlong bytwyxte my father Smythe & Wa(l)ter Cowp(er) on the syde nexte to ye ashe & an other acre upon Rye Furlong which is the mydle acre and the thired acre lyith upon Shepecote weke ij of the best londs (tha)t she can choyse. It(e)m I wyll (tha)t my mother shall have the commen of ij kyne, kepte wyth my wyfe so well as her owne be  kepte, It(e)m I wyll and bequeathe unto Thomas my soonne my howse and my lande, wyth all th’appurtenances (tha)t belongyth thereunto  whan that  He commyth to th’age of xxiiij yeres  It(e)m I gyve unto Thomas my soon a long carte shodde & ij of my best mayres and ij payr of harws It(e)m a plough It(e)m I wyll (tha)t my daughter Ellyn shall have <v li> of ye which v li she  shall receyve xx s of it whan she commyth to th’age of xv yeres and so xx s every yere folowyng tyll the residew [be wholly] payd It(e)m  I wyll (tha)t if it fortune my soon to dep(ar)te owte of this worlde, (tha)t then my daughter Ellyn to have it as my soon shall have it It(e)m  I wyll (tha)t Johan my wyffe shall have my howse and my lande and Closyn whome I make my hole Executryx tyll my soon come to his lawfull age It(e)m  I wyll (tha)t if my wyffe wyll not dwell upon ye same ground than I wyll (tha)t Wyll(ia)m Awdeley and Jhon Graunt shall

[p.2] have the setting and letting of yt for the p(ro)fyctt of my chyldryn unto such tyme as they shall be of  lawfull age also I wyll (tha)t my wyffe nor  Wyll(ia)m Awdeley nor Jhon Graunt shall neythor fell nor cutt downe no man(er) of trees  (tha)t belongyth unto ye same grounde excepte it be for rep(ar)ac(i)ons to be had and doon upon the same It(e)m I bequeath to Jane Graunt my brothers daughter a blacke heyffer ye resydewe of all my {of all my} goods not bequeathed nor gyvyng[?] my debts beying paid and my wyll full filled I gyve theym and bequeath theym holy to Jhoan my wyffe whome I do ordeyn and make my sole ex(e)cutrix and Wyll(ia)m Awdeley and Jhon Graunt whome I do make my ov(er)seers to se this my last wyll p(er)formyde these beying Wytnes Thomas Grainge curate Will(ia)m P(ar)att Nycholas Spooner Roger Shelton

[Probate granted 2 June 1547 to Joan, the widow.]

Inventory of Seth Myller alias Graunt, 1547

Herts RO A25/45

This ys the Inventarye of the goods and cattell[s] of Seth Myller other wyse called Seth Grau[nt] made the xvth daye of April in the yere of owr Soverainge lord king Edward the Syxtte and praysed by indyfferent persons Thomas Elyat of Schyptone William Paratt and Nycolas Sponer

In primis in the chamber bedding and other things there unto belonging 
xij s
Item in the halle a folding tabulle and a cubborde a forme and two stoulls 
iij s iiij d
Item in brasse one potte and two panns w(ith) two kettylls  
xiij s iiij d
Item in pewter a dossin pecs    
iij s iiij d
Item a fatte and two tubbis withe other smalle ymplements  
v s
Item one horsse and three mares   
xxvj s viij d
Item a cowe and a bullocke    
xvj s
Item a Sowe and three stores
iiij s
Item a beare carte and a plowe w(ith) two payre of harrows
x s
Item in gesse henns and duckes
xx d

[Inventory presented 3 May 1547 by Joan the widow.]


Seth Graunte was the youngest son of Thomas (d.1531) and Joan. He was born no earlier than 1508, and probably in the 1510s.

my father Smythe: presumably father-in-law

harws = harrows

Closyn = closes

pecs = pieces

store: A sheep, steer, cow or pig acquired or kept for fattening (OED, n.9) - in this case, a pig

Copyright 2 March, 2012