Will of John Grainger, cordwainer, 1748

Herts RO 185AW7

In the Name of God Amen I John Grainger of Winslow in the County of Bucks Cordwainer being in health of Body and of Sound mind and Memory do make and Ordain my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) First I Commend my Soul to Almighty God And as to my Body I Committ the same to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And as to my Temporal Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Intrust me To the End all Controversies and disputes relating thereto amongst my Children may be prevented and Peace and Good Agreement continued amongst them as is by me heartily Wished And for the Makeing of Sufficient provision well for the payment of all such Debts as I shall owe at the time of my decease As also for the due payment of the Legacys herein after mentioned and my Funeral Expences and Charges of Proving this my Will and all other Charges and Expences Incident thereto and the performance of the Trusts hereby reposed in my Trustees and Executors hereinafter named I Dispose of the same in manner following (that is to say) I give and bequeath unto my Sons Thomas Grainger of Long Marston in the County of Hertford Cordwainer and Robert Grainger of Winslow aforesaid in the said County of Bucks Cordwainer All my Household Goods Stock in Trade and ready moneys which shall be in my Dwelling House at the Time of my decease And all Mortgages Bills Bonds Notes and Securitys for money whatsoever and all moneys due or to grow due thereon both principal and Interest and all my Estate Right Title and Interest therein or thereto and all and every other Sum and Sums of money which is are shall or may be due or become due and Payable to me or which I shall be in any wise Intituled unto or have any Interest and all Rent and Arrears of Rent of and for all and Singular my Estates to be Computed to the Day of my Death Upon the Special Trust and Confidence in them the said Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger their Executors and Administrators and every of them reposed that they do and shall in the First place make Sale of the said Household Goods and Stock in Trade and dispose of the money raised by such Sale thereof and all other moneys in the payment and Discharge of my Debts Legacies Funerall Expences Charges of proving this my Will so far as the same will extend And in Aid thereof and for the better and more Effectual Payment of all and Singular my Debts Legacys Funeral Expences Charges of Proving this my Will and all Charges Expences Incident thereto and of such other Charges and Expences which they the said Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger their Executors or Administrators may be at or put unto by reason or means of the performance of the Trusts hereby in them reposed
I Further Give and Devise unto my said Sons Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger and their Heirs All my Coppyhold Messuages and Tenements and premises Situate and being in Winslow aforesaid in the said County of Bucks now in the Occupation of John Seaton and my said Son Robert Grainger which I purpose to Surrender to the Use of my Will and all and Singular the Barns Stables Outhouses Buildings Yards Gardens Orchards Backsides and Appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise Appertaining Upon Trust that they the said Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger their Executors or Administrators shall and do with Convenient Speed after my Death make Sale thereof and dispose of the money raised by such Sale in payment of such my Debts Legacys Funerall Expences Charges of Proving this my Will and other Charges and Expences Incident thereto and to the performance of the Trusts hereby in them reposed which my said Personall Estate herein before given and bequeathed for that purpose shall fall short off or not amount to Satisfye and dispose of the Overplus  if any there be after my Debts Legacys Funerall Expences Charges of Proving this my Will and other the Charges and Expences Incident thereto or which they shall or may Sustain or be put unto for or by Reason or means of the performance of the Trusts hereby in this my Will

 The marke of JG
 John Grainger     

[f.2] Reposed To or to the Use and behoof of my said Sons Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger and John Grainger of Winslow aforesaid in the said County of Bucks Cordwainer and my Daughter Grace Grainger of Winslow aforesaid share and share alike and to and for no other Use Intent or purpose whatsoever any thing herein before Contained to the Contrary thereof in any Wise Notwithstanding Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Toe of Winslow aforesaid in the said County of Bucks five pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain Item I give ... unto my Daughter Ann Grainger Spinster Ten pounds ...  Item I give ... to my said Son John Grainger Ten pounds ...  Item I give ... to my said Daughter Grace Grainger Ten pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my said Sons Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger Twenty pounds a piece of like lawfull money ... for their trouble in the performance of the Trust hereby in them reposed and my Will and desire is that my Trustees pay all my debts and Legacys within Twelve Kalender Months after my Decease and I do hereby Charge all my real and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever with the payments of my Debts and Legacys abovementioned And do hereby Constitute Ordain and Appoint my said Sons Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger Sole executors of this my last Will and Testament (in no Wise doubting but that They will truly and Faithfully discharge the Trusts hereby in them reposed) And I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made And declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Grainger the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament Contained in two Sheets of Paper to the first sheet set my Hand and to the second and last Sheet thereof Sett my Hand and Seal this fourth day of May in the Twenty First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so Forth And in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Forty Eight

The marke of JG
John Grainger

Signed sealed Published and                                                                             
Declared by the said Testator in the presence of                                                              
us who have hereunto Subscribed our Names
as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the
Testator and of each other

Charles Bowler                                 
Rich(ar)d Redall                                               
Fer(dinan)d Southam   

[another hand]
16th of January 1748 Thomas Grainger and Robert Grainger
the within named Executors of this Will were sworn to the                  
Truth thereof before
John Cole Archdeacon


John was the son of Robert Granger, shoemaker (d.1703) and his wife Ann (nee Pitkin), bap. 18 March 1693/4. He was buried on 8 May 1748, the same day as his granddaughter Elizabeth Toe. His wife was named Grace (bur. 4 Feb 1745/6). The property in Sheep Street became Yew Tree Cottage. Their children baptised at Winslow (all with their surname given as Grange or Grainge) were:

Copyright 19 July, 2018