Will of Margaret Fuller of Swanbourne, 1550 (proved 1551)

Centre for Bucks Studies, D/A/We 6/288

In the name of god amen, in the yeare of o(u)r Lorde 1550 the xxii day of decembre, and in the iiijth yeare of the Raigne of o(u)r soveraigne  Lorde Edwarde the vjth by the grace of god of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande Kinge, Defend(e)r of the faithe, and in Earthe of the Churche of Englande and also of Yrelande the sup(re)me hedde witnessithe that I Margaret Fuller beinge sike in body and hole in mynde, make this my laste will and testamente in maner and forme herafter followinge Firste I bequethe my soule to the m(e)rcy of allmightie god; and my <body> to be buriede in the Churche yarde of Sainte Swithenes of Swaneborne also I bequeithe to the mother Churche of Lincoln ij d Itim I bequeithe master vicare for my tythes oblite and forgottyne one bushell of whete; Itim I bequethe to my sonne Richarde Caponhurste xx shepe & ij kene Itim I bequethe to every one of my god children iiij d Itim I bequethe to Will(ia)m Glenester ij oxen amonge his children Itim I bequethe to every one of my god sonne Alexander Wallerond whome I make my ov(e)rseer x s Itim I bequethe to John Fuller the sonne of Thomas Fuller my greateste brass potte to be delyvered to the forsayd at xij yeris of age by the hands of the executors and yf the sayd John die before he be xij yers of age that then the forsayde potte to remayne in th[’]andis of my executors to be ordered at their at their [sic] dyscression Itim I bequethe to Isabell Banister my greate white pan(n)e Itim I bequeithe to Isabell and Margeret my dowghters the best coverled to be parted betwyne them and to eche of them a paire of sheetes of hempyn Itim Itim I bequethe to every one of my childrens children one shepe Itim I bequeth to my dowghter Elyzabeth Wallarand ij heiffers Itim I bequethe to Elizabeth Caponhurste  the best brasse panne The resydue of my goods unbequethed I gyve and bequethe to my sonne John Helbis Will(ia)m Banister whome I make myne executor Inwitness of this p(re)missis Thom(a)s Deverell John Helbis Will(ia)m Curle

[Latin] Total of inventory xxiij li vj s viij d
Proved at Ailysburie 13 February 1550[/1] before Mr William Bynsley, commissary.


Margaret Fuller was the daughter of Thomas Glenister (d.1532).  Richard Capenhurst, presumably her son-in-law, appears as a juror and witness in various Winslow documents.

Copyright 5 May, 2022