Will of Thomas Fyge of London, apothecary, 1704 (proved 1705)

National Archives PROB 11/481/165

22 December 1704

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Fyge of the Parish of St. Bot(olph) Bishopsgate London this 22 of December 1704 revoake all others and make this my last Will and Testament my Soul being surrendred into the hands of God thro’ the meritorious mediation of Jesus Christ I will that my body be interred in the same decent and private manner as was that of my late wife my daughters Rebeccah Hale and Hannah Fyge I constitute and appoint to be joynt Executrixes of this my Will and Tho(mas) Dalton Apothecary and Tho(mas) Cole Brewer I appoint to be Overseers and give each of them tenn pounds apeice for mourning and each of them if they soe long live for each yeare five Guineas each for three yeares for that assistance and advice which I depend on them to give to my daughters in the ordering and manageing of affaires as to my Will and other offices of Kindness to my Children I give five pounds in bread to the poor of the Parish to be distributed by the Churchwardens 3 or 4 dayes after my Funerall and tenn pounds to be distributed by 10s apeice to 20 poor familyes that have one small Child at least or man and wife aged and receive noe Almes by the present common Councill men in a Monethe after my decease
[left margin: This to be repaid from a Bond of £15 due to me from the Apothecaryes]
As a superaddition to what I have given to my daughter Sarah in part

[p.2] of portion which is £300 or more I give two Orders on the Excise of £100 each both being Annuityes for her life at £14 a yeare each [Excise] No. 2337 No 2338 and all my right and title thereto An Order and Tally for the summe of £500 on the Land Tax for 1704 slipps for a Bedd the bigger Silver Tankard the £550 I give on Condition a Settlement be made according to advice for her benefitt with her consent else noe \more/ then five pounds besides what the Law and Citty Custome enforceth.

                                                                                                                                                                                Tho(mas) Fyge

[l. margin: ori(gina)le sic] I will and bequeath to my daughter Rebeccah [deleted: 3 new India bonds oof £550 Item] [right margin:] \three Orders and Tallyes on the Malt being £650 in 3 Tallyes/ two East houses in Well Streete one house in Chancery Lane Mr Nichols Tenant one purchasd order on the Excise for lease dureing terme of 80 yeares and more being £14 p(er) an(num) for £163.

I will to my daughter Margaret Capitall Bank Stock £800 two Leases to Barth Rowland of £12 and £8 a yeare one to Mr Rudsby of £vi vis a yeare all being in Brooks Markett Orphans Stock £500 Annuitye of £28 for her life on the Excise Nro. 116.

I will to my daughter Hannah the Leases of 4 houses in Brookes buildings Frith £8 3s Sedgwic £6 3s Lord £viii Hughs £viii p(er) Annum totall £28 6s. Capitall Stock in the Bank £700 Annuity of £28 for her life on Excise Nro 117 Orphan Stock £500. A Bill for £100 on the quarterly Poll.

I will to my daughter Mary Bank Stock £600 a moiety of the Lease from the Skinners for three houses in Limestreete 2 India Bonds old Company for £500 Annuity for her life of £28 on Excise Nro. 118 two neer houses in Well Streete a purchased Order on the Excise for £14 a yeare dureing the Lease.

I will to my daughter Martha my Capitall Stock in the united India Company being £460 and what I have in Stock in Trade £276 and all the advantages thereof An Annuity for her life of £28 on Excise Nro. 119 a Moiety of the three houses Limestreete two Bills on the Quarterly Poll for £130 and Six Shares soe called in the New India Company.

Tho(mas) Fyge

My Estate in Fee in Newgate Streete I give to my five daughters by my last Wife Mary in equall proportions for their naturall lives only and as they die to goe to the Surviving Sisters.

The Profitt of Lockyers Pills with what remains on a Bond of £100 from Jo Watts I give to my five younger daughters deduction first made for the payment of the rent of the house I live in for the time of my Lease and the Shop to be continued as it now is for the sale of them and any of my daughters Spinsters to live therein gratis and the household goods of all Sorts whether for use or Ornament to be continued in their present State dureing the Lease of the house without the consent of all my 5 Daughters by Mary to the contrary unto whom I give my Plate in equall proportions The Gold and Chaine and Jewell to be drawne for among them by lott if any of

[p.3] my daughters die before marriage or age of 21 their portions to be distributed among the Children surviving of my last Wife I give to my sister Cressy soe much as makes her an Annuity of twelve pounds and each of my Children to allow their proportion and would have them kinder to her then to let her want any thing necessary

 Tho(mas) Fyge

I reserve a power to add alter alienate under my hand any Legacy here given
Whatever I have here given to any Legatee is in full of all claimes and demands whatsoever And arreares of Rent or Interest to be theirs which is due at my decease.
My Funerall charges debts and Legacyes being defrayed and paid the Residue of my Estate I give unto my Executrixes Rebeccah Hale and Hannah Fyge towards the same and to answer contingencies and discharge any obligation
[left margin:] \or Law Suites that amount to more then twenty less then two hundred in the whole if more all my 5 Children doe beare equall charge/                            
 I particularly give a Bank Bill of £100  two Bonds or Bills of £100 each of the united India Company and one Bond of £60 of the New India Company One Bond of £20 due from Tho(mas) Egerton

Tho(mas) Fyge

Signed & Sealed being writt on four pages

Debts £viii E. Cressy Q(uaere) if £10 to Charles Widdow

March ye 9 1704/5
It is my will that the settlement be made within four moneths between my sonn and daughter Egerton otherwise there shall be noe more then five pounds but the result of my Estate as a Cittizen of London
Tho. Fyge

the 26 of March 1705
Which day appeared personally John Watts of the Parish of St. Bridgett al(ia)s Brides London Barber Chirurgeon and being sworne on the Holy Evangelists deposed that he this Deponent was very well acquainted with Thomas Fyge late of the Parish of St. Botolph Bishopsgate London Apothecary deceased for severall years preceeding his death and hath often seen him write within the said time by which meanes he became acquainted with his Character and manner of writing and he haveing seen the Will or Writing purporting his Will hereunto annexed beginning thus 1704 22 December In the Names of God Amen I Tho Fyge etc. and ending thus one Bond of £20 due from Tho Egerton and subscribed Tho(mas) Fyge and Sealed with black wax and alsoe a Note beginning March the 9th 1704 It is my will and subscribed Thomas Fyge doe verily believe that all the said Will is the proper handwriting of the said Thomas Fyge and alsoe the name Thomas Fyge Subscribed to the Note aforesaid to be alsoe the proper hand writing of the said Thomas Fyge deceased.

 J. Watts

[p.4] [Latin] On the said day was sworn the said John Watts on the truth of the premisses before William Oldys Sur(rogate)
[English] 26th day of March 1705
[Statement similar to the statement above sworn by John Lupton of the Parish of St. Botolph extra Bishopsgate London Apothecary]
[Latin] [Probate of this will with codicil annexed was granted 26 March 1705 on the oaths of Rebecca Hale and Hannah Fyge executrixes.]

Inventory of Thomas Fyge, 1705

LMA CLA/2/1/3656

This document has suffered some damage on the right-hand side, and the end is missing. Restored text is shown in square brackets.

The Inventory indented bearing date the 8th day of May 1705 of all and singular the goods Ch(att)ells rights & Credits late belonging & appertaining unto Thomas Fyge of the p(ar)ish of St Botolph Bishopsgate late Citizen & Apothecary of London dec(eas)ed seen valued & appraised by Soloman Bonquett Clockmaker & Anthony Hilton Embroiderer Citizens of London sworne for the true valuation & appraisement thereof Before
The perticulers whereof due hereafter ensue vizt

In the Fore Garrett    
Impr(im)is 1 old bedstead a Chest of drawers bedstead a featherbed 1 Blankett 1 rugg 1 Quilt 1 feather pillow a Chest of drawers 1 p(ai)r brass Andirons 6 old chaires 2 trunks valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 01  13  00
In the Back Garrett    
Item 1 Corded bedstead Serge Curtains & vallence 1 feather bed flock bolster 2 feather pillowes 2 blanketts one rugg 2 trunks 1 Chaire 2 pair of fire Irons valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 01  16  00
In the Fore Chamber Up two pair of Staires    
Item 1 Corded bedstead rods Curtains and valence of serge lined white Callicoe feather bed & bolster 2 pillowes 1 flock bolster a table & Lookeing glass 1 Olive wood chest of drawers one Chest 6 flower Damask chaires 1 stoole 1 Close stoole & pan 2 Callico window Curtaines & Rod a brass hearth & Doggs shovell & tongs 1 Iron Trevitt Tapestry hangings about the Roome two blankets 1 Quilt valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 08  17   6
In the Back Roome 2 p(ai)r of Staires    
Item a sacking bedstead raised tester gold colour china furniture compleat 1 Chest of drawers 2 lookeing glasses a sett of Wallnutt tree boxes 1 Chaire 2 stooles 2 white linnen window Curtains & vallence valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 05  06  00
In the Dineing Room one pair of Staires    
Item 1 Table 1 Tea Table 1 screen table 2 Elbow Cane chaires 10 Cane Chaires 1 Iron stow grate brass fender shovell tongs and poker 2 hookes 1 pair of Callico window Curtaines & Rod 3 pictures 2 glass sconces 1 Turkey worke Carpett 2 silke Cushions Tapestry hangings about the Roome valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 11  01  00
In the Back Room one pair of staires    
Item one folding table one Lookeing glass 4 stooles 2 Turkey worke Chaires 2 window curtains & vallance 1 stow fender shovel & tongs printed stuff hangings about the Roome valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 01  11  00
In the Kitchin    
Item 1 Grate fender 1 p(ai)r of andirons shovell tongs & poker 2 fryeing pans 1 Iron dripping pan 1 Gridiron 3 box Irons & heaters 1 pott hanger & hook Jack & weight 1 spitt a flesh fork 2 brass potts & covers[?] a warming pan 4 brass Candlesticks one standing Candlestick a pair of Bellowes 1 Table 6 old chaires Lookeing glass 1 Brass Clock 6 knives 88li of pewter va(lue)d att sum(m)a p(ate)t 06  14   6

In the Wash-House

Item one Copper & Iron worke 3 brass kettles 1 Leaden Cistern 2 washing tubbs some tin wooden & earthenware valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 05  03  6
In the Shop    
Item Counter shelves nests of drawers Gallipotts and glasses a pair of scales & weights 3 brass morters & pestles a Stone Mortar 1 Limbeck of Pewter 1 Copper boyler a Brass Chafeing dish a Table 2 Chaires valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 08   4  00
Item a preparac(i)on to make Dr Lockyers pills   10  00 00
Item the testators wareing apparell Linnen & Woollen bookes & arms valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 10  00 00
2 pair of fine holland sheets 1 pair of large fine holland sheets 12 p(ai)r of flaxen sheets 6 pair of pillowbeers 3 damask table Cloths 18 damask Napkins 2 diaper table Cloths 12 Napkins of Diaper 4 huckaback table Cloths 24 old Diaper Napkins 18 flaxen Napkins 12 towells valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 15  02 00
Item 159 ounces & ten penny weight of plate valued att sum(m)a p(ate)t 39  17 [00]

Leases and other estate & Effects belonging to the Testator as followeth vizt

Impr(im)is 3 houses in Lime street upon a Lease 26 yeares to come 44li : p(er) ann(um) (ground rent being deducted) valued att 440 li 00 00
Item 4 house in Well street in Spittle feilds on a Lease of 29 yeares to come val att 220 li [00 00]
Item 1 house in Chancery Lane on a Lease 18 yeares to come valued att 220  00 00
Item the Ground rent of 7 houses in Brickmarkett on a Lease of 15 yeares to come val att 382  00 00
Item two Orders on the Excise No 2337 and No 2338. One hundred pound each annuityes of 19li each valued att 23[ - - - ]
Item Annuityes on the Excise No 116:117:118:119 for 28li each p(er) ann(um) valued att 920  00 00
Item 2 Orders on the Excise for 28li p(er) ann(um) on a Lease of 80 yeares to come val att 326  00 00
Item an order & Tally for the sum(m)e of 550li on the Land Tax for 1704 with Interest due to the 25th day of Aprill 1705 Seaven pound ten shillings in all 557 10 [00]
Item 3 orders on the malt tax of 650li prin(cip)all and four pound now due for Interest 654  00 00
Item Capitall Bank Stock w(i)th its Dividends valued att 2100  00 00
Item Orphans Stock in the Chamber of London principall 1000li valued att   [ - - - ]
Item Capitall Bank Stock in the United India Comp(any) 460li valued att   1118  00 [00]
Item two bills on the Quarter pole for   [ - - - ]
Item 6 Shares in the India Comp(any) valued att   [ - - - ]
Item 2 old India Companyes bonds for 500li with 12li Int(erest) to the 25th day of Aprill 1705 together [ - - - ]
The Whole Sum(m)e of all and singular His goods & Ch(att)ells & other the premisses late belonging & appertaining unto Thomas Fyge the Test[ator] seen valued & appraised by [the] abovesaid appraisers unto [which] they have sett their hands amounts to [ - - - ]
Ready Money    
Item ready money in the house att the time of the Testators decease   310  00  [00]
The Totall sum(m)e of this Inventory forasmuch as is presently [ - - - ] amounts to   [ - - - ]
Debts oweing to the [deceased at the time of] his decease    
Impri(mi)s oweing by Mr Jno [ - - - ] on noate   [ - - - ]
Item remaining due from him upon bond   7[ - - - ]
Item oweing by Mr Thomas Egerton on bond   20  00  [00]
  Sum(m)a [ - - - ] 00
Debts oweing [by the deceased] att the time of his decease    
Impri(mi)s paid to the [ - -  - ]    
Item to Eliz(abeth) C[ - - - ]    
Item to Mr Cole   10[ - - - ]
Item to Mr Dalton   18[ - - - ]
Item paid to severall workemen &c   28  10  2
Item paid for half a years rent of the dwelling h[ouse]   [ - - - ] 00 00
Item Bestowed in and [about] the Testators Funeralls as blacks for mourning apparel &c [ - - - ]
Item paid charges att D(oct)ors Com(m)ons proveing the will   05  07  00
Item paid the appraisors for appraising the [ - - - ]   [ - - ] 04 6

[Remainder of document lost]  


Halfpenny of Thomas Fydge 1666Thomas Fyge was the son of Valentine Fyge, Winslow-born apothecary. His father had extensive property in Winslow which doesn't seem to have descended to Thomas, who lived at the Sign of the Sugar Loaf, Bishopsgate Without. Thomas married (1) Rebecca Allcock (d. 1672), (2) Mary Beacham (d. 1704) of Seaton, Rutland. See entry in The Rulers of London 1660-1689. His daughter by his first marriage was the poet Sarah Fyge Egerton. She had probably received her inheritance as a marriage settlement, but they seem to have had a stormy relationship. His youngest daughter by his second wife was Hannah Fyge (will proved 1738), the last survivor of the sisters, who had the recipe for Lockyer's Pills. Elizabeth Cressy of Shenley was Thomas' sister. Thomas produced his own trade tokens in 1666 (see image; details on the British Museum website).

See also:

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