Will of Charles Elley, baker, 1879 (proved 1880)

Oxford Probate Registry

This is the last Will and Testament of me Charles Elley of Winslow in the County of Bucks Baker. I give and bequeath to my Wife Mary her executors administrators and assigns absolutely All my household goods and furniture plate linen china and other household effects Also my Stock in trade as a Grocer and Baker with all the tools fixtures and implements connected with the said businesses I also give to my said Wife All the Book debts which shall be due and owing to me at my death subject to her paying my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses  I also give and bequeath to my said Wife the Legacy or sum of Twenty five pounds to be paid to her within six calendar months next after my decease I devise all the real estate (if any) which shall belong to me at my death and Ibequeath the residue of the personal Estate to which I shall be then entitled to my Friends Edwin John French of Winslow aforesaid Printer and John William Ingram of the same place Builder their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively Upon trust to sell my real Estate by Public Auction or Private Contract and to convert and get in my residuary personal Estate and after payment out of the proceeds of such sale and conversion of all the expenses attending the same to invest the net moneys to arise as last aforesaid in their own names in or upon Government or real Securities in England or Wales with power to vary and transpose such investments at their discretion for any other investments of a like nature And upon further trust to permit my said Wife Mary so long as she continues my Widow to receive the annual income of the said trust moneys for her use and benefit. And upon her death or second marriage As to the said annual income of the said trust moneys to pay and apply the same for and towards the maintenance and education or otherwise for the benefit of my minor children until the youngest of them shall have attained the age of twenty one years And when and so soon as my youngest child shall attain that age then as to the same trust moneys stocks funds or securities and the annual income thenceforth to become due for the same In trust for my three Children John, Annie Elizabeth and William and to be divided equally between them their respective executors administrators and assigns and the respective shares of the Children to be absolutely vested on their respectively attaining the age of Twenty one years I declare that if any of my said Children shall die under the age of Twenty one years leaving issue such issue shall take the share to which his her or their parent would have been entitled if living. I appoint my said Wife Mary the Guardian of my infant Children and the said Edwin John French and John William Ingram to be Trustees and Executors of my Will and revoke all other Wills.

In Witness whereof I the have hereunto set my hand this Fifteenth day of September 1879.
Charles Elley [signature]
Signed by the said Charles Elley the Testator in the joint presence of us who at his request in his presence and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses.         
James Walker [signature] Grocer, Winslow.
Arthur S. Midgley [signature] Winslow, Solicitor’s Clerk

ON the Twenty seventh day of February \January/ 1880, the Will of Charles Elley late of Winslow in the County of Buckingham, Baker, deceased, who died on the Third day of November 1879 at Winslow aforesaid, was proved in Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in  the District Registry attached to Probate Division thereof at Oxford by the Oaths of Edwin John French of Winslow aforesaid, Printer, and John William Ingram of the same place Builder, the Executors named (in the said Will) they having been first sworn duly to administer.
It is hereby certified the above is a correct Copy. Dated this Fifth day of February 1880. Estate   £800
No Leaseholds.
Extracted by Willis and Willis, Solicitors, Winslow.

Charles Elley was aged 31 when he died. He was the son of John Elley (d.1898), q.v. for more about the family. In the 1881 Census:

Charles bought 1 Sheep Street in 1869, and it was put up for sale after his death. Details below from the sale poster:

A Neat Brick and Tiled HOUSE
Situate in Sheep Street in the centre of the Town...
On Wednesday, August 18th, 1880,
At the Bell Hotel, Winslow, at Five for Six o’clock in the afternoon.  Lot 1 by direction of the Trustees under the Will of the late Mr. CHARLES ELLEY...
LOT 1 - COMPRISES A BRICK AND SLATED HOUSE situate in the centre of the Town, and nearly adjoining the Market Square, comprising two front sitting rooms, kitchen, three bedrooms, China Closet, and a capital well of water - the whole let to Mr. G. O. Tite at the yearly rent of £8.  Subject to a land tax of 2s. 4d.
... Copyhold of the Manor of Winslow, but nearly equal in value to Freehold.

Copyright 4 February, 2025