Will of Ann Badley Dudley, spinster, 1864 (proved 1885)

Oxford Probate Registry

This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Badley Dudleyof Winslow in the County of Bucks Spinster. I devise all the real estate (if any) of which I may die seised unto my two Brothers Joseph Dudley and Edward Dudley and their respective heirs and assigns in equal shares as tenants in common and not as joint tenants. And I bequeath unto my said Brothers Joseph Dudley and Edward Dudley in equal shares and proportions all the personal estate of which I may be possessed at the time of my death or what shall remain thereof after payment of my just debts my funeral and testamentary expenses I appoint my said Brothers Joseph Dudley and Edward Dudley to be Executors of my Will and revoke all other Wills. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four.

Ann Badley Dudley [signature]
Signed by the said Ann Badley Dudley the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the joint presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses D.T. Willis [signature] Solicitor, Winslow. Thos. R. Brown [signature] His Clerk

At Oxford on the  Eighteenth day December 1885, Administration (with the Will annexed)  of the Personal Estate and Effects of Ann Badley Dudley late of  Winslow in the County of Buckingham, deceased, who died on the Twenty second day of October1885, at Winslow aforesaid, a Spinster without Parent, Brother or Sister, was granted to Jane Rebecca Smith, Widow, the lawful Niece and one of the next of kin of the said Deceased, she having been first sworn Joseph Dudley and Edward Dudley the Brothers of the Deceased, the Executors and universal Legatees named in the said Will, having died during her lifetime.
Personal Estate Gross    £502-11-3
      “            “        Net     £491-11-10

Willis and Willis, Solicitors, Winslow
It is hereby certified that the foregoing is a correct Copy
Dated this Twenty fourth day December 1885.

ON the Eighteenth day of December 1885 Letters of Administration with the Will annexed, of the Personal Estate and Effects of Ann Badley Dudley late of  Winslow in the County of Buckingham, deceased, who died on the Twenty second day of October1885, at Winslow aforesaid, a Spinster, without Parent, Brother or Sister Were granted by Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice attached to the Probate Division thereof at Oxford, to Jane Rebecca Smith, of 8 Bancroft Road in the County of Middlesex, Widow, the lawful Niece and one of the next of kin of the said Deceased, she having been first sworn duly to administer. Joseph Dudley and Edward Dudley, the Brothers of the Deceased, the Executors and universal Legatees named in the said Will, having died during her lifetime.
It is hereby certified that the above is a correct Copy. Dated this Twenty fourth day December 1885.
James Clegg of Perry Hill House, Catford, in the County of Kent, Esquire, and Thomas Smith the elder of ?3, Bancroft Road aforesaid, Esquire.


Ann Badley Dudley was 74 when she died.  She was born and baptised on 28 April 1811, daughter of Joseph and Penelope (née Reading) Dudley.  Her father was the last of the Dudley drapers in Winslow (see his will).  Her mother died in 1844.  Her brothers named in the will were drapers in London.  Ann was living with her mother in Horn Street in 1841; in Quainton in 1851; in Winslow lodging with Louisa Seaton in 1861; lodging with John Mayne in 1871; living in Station Road (probably no.11) with a servant in 1881.

Copyright 31 January, 2025