Will of Sir William Brampton, priest at Hogshaw, 1540/1 (proved 1548)
Centre for Bucks Studies D/A/We 6/339
Sir William Brampton prest at Hogshawe
In the name of god Amen the xijth daye of Januarye in the yeare of owre Lorde god 1540 I Will(ia)m Brampton preste hole of mynde and of goode remembraunce make this my laste will and Testame(n)t
First I bequethe my sowle to almightie god and my body to be buryde where it shall please him to call for me.
Item I bequethe to my good and especiall Lady Dame Mawde Lane my baye geldinge and to every childe of my sayd Ladyes an angell noble
Item I bequethe unto Mr John Lane and our[?] William Lane off Walgrave my grey baye colte at Knaptofte.
It(e)m I bequeth to my mother my olde furred gowne of Russet It(e)m I bequethe also to my mother and to my sister Elsabethe Shelston my ij gowne clothes and Jacket clothe and a pece of worsted that Wincent hathe to make ij gownes one, and a Jacket and a whodd on
Item I bequeth to my Sister Katherine Clarke of Querynton my side gowne my cofer, and to S(i)r John Benet a black gowne in my side cofer and to the Vicar of Grenboro my olde shorte gowne and my furred tippet And I beq(ue)th to S(i)r Richard Shrive person of Clendon another black gowne in my cofer. And I bequeth also to John Shelston and my Sister Elsab(eth) his wiffe my cofer in my chamber and a sey Jacket and a dublet and ij Jackets sheets and all th[‘]other stuff what so ever it be in the said cofer, to the said John and his wiffe except a boget of my Lad[ie]s
It(e)m I bequethe to the said John Shelston all my olde wering gere except ij of my harden sheets and ij payre of my hoffe w(i)th sherts and hose I bequeth to John and Edmunde Nicholas Shepards sonnes.
It(e)m I bequethe to Will(ia)m Knybbs ij s and to ev(e)ry other yeoma(n) and woman of my Lad(ie)s xij d apece & to every other servant viij d apece .
It(e)m I bequethe to Edwarde Wal(e)s iiij ewes and iiij Lambes and to James Finton iiij ewes and iiij lambes
It(e)m I bequethe to Lawrens King my kynesma(n) x ewes and x lambes and a stere at Clendon and xx s in moneye if it will ther unto arise.
It(e)m I bequeth to Margaret King his Sister x ewes and x lambes and xx s in moneye if it will thereunto arise, and to the said Margaret a hecfer at Clendon
It(e)m to Richard Vincent my lad(ie)s servaunt iiij ewes and iiij lambes
It(e)m I bequeth to John Shelston and my Sister his wiffe and to his children xx ewes wh(ich) I put to Button of Kimcote at Michaelmas laste paste to winter and to the sayd John and Elsab(eth) and ther children other xx ewes w(ith) ther Lambes w(hi)ch I bought of ye sayd Button at Michaelmas last & payd him for them than and he \to/ delyvered them to me or myn assignes at Maye Daye next after as Sir Richard Shrive person of Clendon can tell.
It(e)m I bequeth to the sayd Jo(hn) Shelston and Elsab(eth) his wiffe ix ewes and iij hogerells that goo at Hardweke.
It(e)m I bequethe to Thomas Rogers and my Sister Agnes his wiffe x ewes and x hogerells that I bought of Tho(mas) Hopkins keper off Clendon
It(e)m I bequeth to Johanne Kinge Richard Kings doughter iij s iiij d and to the said Thomas Rogers and Agnes his wiffe to ther children amongst them all xiij s iiij d
It(e)m I bequeth to John Corks of Horton iij ewes and vij hogerells (tha)t goo att Clendon
It(e)m I bequeth to Thomas Hopkins kep(er) of Clendon xx d and to my goddought(er) his childe xx d and to Elsab(eth) his wiffe my newe wenyd calfe there.
It(e)m I bequeth to my sister Shelston a fetherbed at Clendon w(ith) the bolster And to Alys Corks John Corks wiffe of Orton ij payre of shets.
It(e)m to the p(ar)son ther my Furred typet there
It(e)m I bequeth to Elsab(eth) Shelston dought(er) to John Shelston a cofer at Clendon and to George Shelston her brother a grete matresse, and to Jo(hn) Shelston a newe payre of shets and other stuffe ther what so ev(er) it be of myne at Clendon
It(e)m I bequethe to everye childe of John Clarks of Querynton iij s iiij d and to Cripps his son my godson one Ewe and to my godchilde at John Mayborows at Cleydon xx d, and I will that John Corks and his wiffe shall have xl s of ther owne det forgeven them if it will soo rise.
The resydue and Remanaunte off all my goods not bequethed what so ever they be after my debets payd and my will performed I will they be distributed amongs my kinsfolks and that my mother may have xl s in money and my Sister Elsabethe Shelston other xl s if my debets will so rise after the discrec(i)on of my executours
It(e)m I will that ther be certen geven to poore folkes to pray for my soule my father soule and all christen soules
It(e)m I will to Bellesdon churche where I was borne vj s viij d And to this my Will I will my Lady Dame Mawde Lane & Mr John Lane of Walgrave to be my executours and they to have for ther laburs and paynes xx s a pece
In witnesse therof to this my laste will and testame(n)t I have subscribed my name w(ith) my owne hande yeve(n) the daye and yere above writen by me Will(ia)m Brampton preste
William Brampton is recorded by Lipscomb as rector of Creslow in 1524. Dame Maud Lane (d.1558) was lady of the manor of Hogshaw. The will also refers to Hardwick, Quarrendon and Granborough in Bucks.
Walgrave is in Northants, and the Lanes were lessees of the manor. Clendon is apparently Glendon, Northants, where the Lanes owned Glendon Hall. Orton is a nearby village. Bellesdon is probably Billesdon, Leics. (although it could be a mistake for Hillesden). Knaptoft is in Leics.