Inventory of Richard Boton (Granborough), 1558

Herts RO A25/278

No place of residence is given but the surname and the names of the appraisers indicate that Richard Boton lived at Granborough, where he was buried on 15 Nov 1558.

A(nn)o d(omi)ni 1558

The Invitorie of ye goods of Rychard Botons lat dessesse and presed of sent Thomas day Befor Christmas By tes men Rycherd Atkyns Jhon Pytkyne Thomas Stevens William Stevins

Fyrst in the haule
a marke
Ite(m) nap(er)iware
a marke
Ite(m) a Covering a matris and ij bolsters ij pillos a Blanket
x s
Ite(m) ye Rayment and hangyngs
x s
Ite(m) ij Bedsteds iij cofers
v s
Ite(m) ij pans
viij s
Ite(m) ij kettels w(ith) ij chysfats[?]
ij s
Ite(m) ij pots
v s
Ite(m) a payer of cobbe yrens
xij d
Ite(m) a spyt and a frynpane
ij s
Ite(m) xv pecis of puter and iij candlestycks
x s
Ite(m) ij whyls and other lomber
ij s iiij d
Ite(m) iij kyne and a Bulocke
iiij marks
Ite(m) ij mares and a Colt
xl s
Ite(m) a hovele of Beans and whaet
a marke
Ite(m) of whaet and Barly ij howis
xx s
Ite(m) tember and a hovel
a marke
Ite(m) a Carte and cart gere plowe and plowe gere ij pyckforkes a Byle a hachytt p(re)ssed at
x s
Ite(m) for haye
vij s
Ite(m) iiij hogs
xx s
Ite(m) iij old ges and iij yong ges iij ducks and a drake
iij s
Ite(m) viij henes and a Cocke ye pryc
iij s
xiij li v s


sent thomas day: St Thomas' Day = 21 Dec.

haule: Whatever was in the hall and valued at 1 mark has been omitted.

chysfats[?]: cheese vats?

howis: presumably houses / hovels