Amateur Brass Band Fete, 1867
Buckingham Advertiser, 24 Aug
The never-staying hand of time has once more placed in our hands the task of recording the second annual fete of our Amateur Brass Band. Thursday, the 15th, was the day finally settled to be the day of the year amongst our townspeople, aye, and the neighbouring inhabitants generally, who looked forward to this annual gathering with great interest. The weather of the few preceding days gave great hopes of being one of the jolliest days that had been held in Winslow for some time past, but alas, Wednesday evening arrived and heavy clouds darkened the starry heavens, and shut the brilliant light that had been many a weary traveller’s helpmate on his long and tedious journey. But just before daylight on the eventful morning a heavy shower passed over our town, and no doubt had a depressing effect on those who heard it; it only proved to be a “clearing up shower,” but unfortunately one that “cleared up,” only to rain all the harder, and so it continued the whole of the day. There was no alternative, the fete must come off, it could not be postponed, and those present had to act with Mark Tapley, a most prominent character in Charles Dickens’s Martin Chuzzlewit, “make themselves jolly under all circumstances.” The afternoon proceedings commenced with a well-selected programme of music by the band, which was exceedingly well performed, and gave great credit to their able bandmaster, Mr. A. Nelson, who must have spared no time to bring them to such a state of perfection. The following is the programme:-
Parade March .. .. La Renommee .. .. ..Couturier.
Grand Selection .. .. .. ..Norma.. .. .. .. ..Bellini.
Valse .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cornflower .. .. .. .Coote.
Por Pourri .. .. ... .. ..Les Dames .. .. .. ..Lepine.
Quadrille .. .. .. .. .. .Reves Dores .. .. ..Couturier
Bolero .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Fernando .. .. .. .. Berillon.
Galop .. .. .. .. .. ..Whaddon Hunt .. .. .. Nelson.
God Save the Queen
Tea was provided at half past four o’clock, supplied by Mr. A. Barton, of the George Hotel, which was served up in a manner that was pleasing to all present; tea, cake &c., were plentiful, and of first-rate quality, while every attention was paid to their wants, so that nothing was wanting to make the meal an agreeable one. The dancing commenced shortly after six, and it was a delightful sight to see all present tripping so gaily on the “light fantastic,” to the strains of such excellent music, as the band that was engaged for the occasion, it being a portion of the 1st Life Guards, under the direction of Mr. A. Nelson, indeed, the music was so good that those who took part had entirely forgotten the heavy showers that were pouring in torrents without the tent that was erected for the occasion.
During the interval of the dancing, Dr. Newham, who was warmly received, announced that in consequence of the unfortunate weather, there would be another dance on the following evening, with precisely the same music as on that occasion. This was received with marked signs of approbation. Dancing was kept up with spirit until the church chimes had gone the hour of twelve, and it was then with reluctance that they engaged in “Sir Roger.” The refreshment tent was well supplied with every requisite to satisfy the cravings of the “inner man” by Mr. A. Barton, of the George Hotel.
Had the weather proved on the first day as it did on the second, there would no doubt, have been such a sight on the Bowling Green as had not been before witnessed. There was a slight mist in the early morning, which was quickly dispelled by the sun, as it rose in all its majestic refulgence, until the sunbeams frolicked in troops over the house-tops and amongst the refreshened foliage, as if to wish our townspeople “good morning.” When the band struck up at eight o’clock p.m., and the first polka called on, the very blades of grass seemed to wave their heads with delight, as if to welcome the visitors who were rapidly coming to take part in one of the most festive days in the whole year, dance after dance was eagerly taken part in, and a smile seemed to play upon the countenances of all, when they were going “up the middle and back again,” in the country dances, and all seemed to go as “merry as a marriage bell.” One o’clock had arrived long before such an hour was expected to be so near at hand, and “Sir Roger” was again called on; after which speedy departure was made for their various habitations, with a hearty wish that the fete may be continued again next year, but under more favourable circumstances, so that Winslow Amateur Brass Band may gather in a rich harvest to recompense them for the loss they must have sustained through the unfortunate weather of this year. We cannot close our report without expressing our thanks, and the thanks of the public, to Dr. Newham, for the active part he took for the comfort and convenience of all present, and for the kind conciliatory spirit he displayed to make the affair one of perfect enjoyment to all. Thanks are also due to Mr. H. Sharp, the secretary, who laboured hard to prove the fete a success, and for the elegant display of flags which he collected to decorate the green.
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