Greene v Grant, 1613

National Archives, C3/272/21

The names have been highlighted to make it easier to find them. If a man sold his wife's copyhold property, she had to give her consent in the manor court. William Greene's case here was that his mother had not done so. The outcome is unknown.

Humblye Complayninge sheweth Unto you(r) hono(ra)ble goode lo(rdshi)pp you(r) humble and daylee suppl(ican)t William Greene of Knebworthe in the Countye of Hartf(ordshire) yeoman that whereas one George Robinson late of Wynslowe in the Countye of Buckingham yeoman was in or aboute the Thirde and Fowerth yeeres of the Raigne of Kinge Phillipp and Queene Mary [1556-57] lawfully and rightfully seised in his Demeasne as of Fee at the will of the then Lord of Wynslowe aforesayd accordinge to the Custome of the sayd Manno(r) amongest other thinges of and in eight acres of errable land and Twoe acres of meadowe w(i)th th’app(ur)ten(a)nces lyeinge in the comon Feilds and Meadowes of Wynslowe  aforesayd, and w(hi)ch lately were in the Tenure or occupac(i)on of one Thomas Grante al(ia)s Miller late of Wynslowe aforesayd deceased or of his assignes and nowe are in the joint or sev(er)all Tenures or possessions of John Grante Thomas Grante William Grante and Walter Grante of Wynslowe aforesayd sonnes of the sayd Thomas Grante first above menc(i)o(n)ed some or one of them their or some of their assignes the certen names or Furlongs of w(hi)ch sayd Com(m)on Feilds or meadows or in w(hi)ch of them the sayd lands and meadowe aforesayd doe lye your suppl(ican)t doeth not know or canne certenlye sett downe. And the sayd George Robinson beinge soe seased as aforesayd of the p(re)misses hadd yssue one Alice Robinson you(r) suppl(ican)ts Mother as his daughter and sole heire whoe interrmaried w(i)th one [blank] Greene deceased Father Unto your suppl(ican)t and afterwards viz in or aboute the sayd Third or Fowerth yeeres of the sayd Kinge Phillipp and Queene Maries Raigne died seased of all and singuler the p(re)misses of such a Customarye Estate as aforesayd (after whose decease) all and ev(er)y the p(re)misses w(hi)ch thapp(ur)tenences accordinge to the Custome of the sayd manno(r) discended and came unto you(r) Suppl(icant)s sayd Mother as daughter and sole heire unto the said George Robinson by force and vertue whereof the said [blank] Greene your suppl(ican)ts said Father and the said Alice Greene his wief your suppl(ican)ts said Mother as in the right of the said Alice were absolutely accordinge to the Custome of the said Mannor admitted unto and entred into the same and were thereof lawfullye seased accordinge to the custome of the sayd mannor in their demeasne as of Fee as in the right of the sayd Alice and thyssues and p(ro)ffitts of the same as lawfull was for them to doe did peaceablye and quietlye for divers and sondry yeeres togither take accordinglie and afterwards as your suppl(ican)t is crediblye enformed your suppl(ican)ts saide Father beinge soe seised of the p(re)misses but as in the right of his said wife Alice unlawfullye and altogither w(i)thout the privitie or consent of your suppl(ican)ts saide Mother and much against her will and likinge did surrender all and singuler the p(re)misses w(i)th thapp(er)ten(an)ces unto John Grant al(ia)s Miller deceased Father of the said Thomas \Grant [illegible] first above mencioned/ and his heires whoe was thereunto admitted and entred into the same and tooke the yssues and p(ro)ffitts thereof duringe the Coverture betwixt your suppl(ican)ts said Father and mother by coulor of the said surrender made by your suppl(ican)ts saide Father and afterwards your suppl(ican)ts said Father whoe makinge not any recompence att all unto your suppl(ican)ts mother or unto your suppl(ican)t for or in liew of the p(re)misses died, and your suppl(ican)ts said mother him survived and afterwards the said John Grant al(ia)s Miller [blank] died and your suppl(ican)ts sayd mother beinge but of meane estate by reason of her saide wants in the lief tyme of the said John Grant [blank]  nor able to wage any lawe did not seeke any due meanes in any legall course of p(ro)ceedinge accordinge to her iust right and Tytle to recover the p(re)misses but before any attempt thereof in or aboute Tenne yeares last past the said Alice died leavinge the right of the p(re)misses bothe by lawe and accordinge to the custome of the said mannor to discend and come (as of right they ought to doe) unto your suppl(ican)t as her sonne and next heire) \and afterwards the said John Grant died and after whose decease the said Thomas Grant first above mencioned wrongfully entred into the premisses and was thereof seased accordinglie and latlye[?] alsoe[?] died/ But nowe soe it is yf it maye please your Hono(ra)ble good Lo(rdshi)pp that after the decease of the said John Grant al(ias) Miller all the coppies of Court Rolles of the said Mannor and the verye Court Rolles themselves concerninge the p(re)misses and whereby your suppl(ican)t should make his Tytle unto the same did by Casuall meanes come into the hands custodye and possession of \the said Thomas Grant first above mencioned/ & of them the saide John Grante Thomas Grant Will(ia)m Grant and Walter Grant sonnes of the said Thomas Grant al(ia)s Miller first above menc(i)o(n)ed or to the hands of one or some of them and whiche they one or some of them have sithence Cancelled and defaced intendinge thereby utterly to disinheritt your said Orator of and from the p(re)misses and by coulor thereof shortly after the decease of the sayd Thomas Grant al(ia)s Miller their Father they the said John Grant Thomas Grant Will(ia)m Grant and Walter Grant al(ia)s Miller his sonnes have not only wrongfully entred into the p(re)misses and ever sithence (that is to say) by the space of Sixe yeeres last past togither occupied the same or the most p(ar)te thereof and receyved and taken the yssues Rents and p(ro)ffitts of the same to their owne uses but alsoe have Contrived and made div(er)s and sondrye faigned and secrett estats of the said p(re)misses to div(er)s p(er)sons to your suppl(ican)t unknowne soe that your said Orator knoweth not against whome to bringe his acc(i)on by the due order and course of the Com(m)on lawes of this Realme for the Recov(er)y of the said lands and meadowe and notw(i)thstandinge your suppl(ican)t not only by him self but alsoe by div(er)s of his friends hath in very gentle and peaceable manner sondrie tymes required them the said John Grant Thomas Grant Will(ia)m Grant and Walter Grant sonnes of the said Thomas Grant al(ia)s Miller first above menc(ion)ed to deliv(er) unto him the sayd Copies of Court Rolles and to make reasonable recompence and satisfacc(i)on unto your suppl(ican)t for the Rents yssues and p(ro)ffitts of the p(re)misses accordinge to your Orators sayd good right and Tytle thereunto (yet that to doe they and every of them have ever hitherunto refused and denied and yet doe refuse and denye to doe) against all right equitye and good Conscience and to the disinherytinge of your suppl(ican)t of and in the p(re)misses to his great losse and hinderance yf remedy bee not by your good Lo(rdshi)pp in this Hono(ra)ble Court specylie p(ro)vided for and against the same In Tender Considerac(i)on of all w(hi)ch p(re)misses and forasmuch as your Orator not knowinge the Certen nomber dates or Contents of the said Copies Court Rolles nor where they or any of them bee conteyned whether in bagge box or Chest locked sealed or open is therefore w(i)thout all remedy by the due course of the com(m)on lawes of this Realme to Recover the same and for lacke of them your said Orator is very like to loose the p(re)misses Maye it therefore please your Hono(ra)ble good L(ordshi)pp the p(re)misses considered to grante unto your suppl(ican)t the kings ma(jes)ties most gracious writt of subpena to bee awarded …


The will of John Grant alias Miller of Shipton was proved in 1589. Thomas Grant alias Miller his son was buried at Winslow in 1607. John Grant alias Miller of Shipton who died in 1630 seems to be the eldest of the four brothers. In 1610 he was said to have 10 acres in Shipton which could be the land referred to here.

Alice Robinson married William Greene's father before the parish registers begin in 1560.

Copyright 13 February, 2020