Bucks Assizes, Summer 1681
National Archives, ASSI 16/40/1
See 1662 Assizes for an introduction. Few records survive for 1681 but there is one case concerning a Winslow woman. The outcome isn't known.
[Latin] Be it remembered that that at the general Quarter Sessions held at Aylesbury on 14 April 33 Charles II [1681] Hugh Glenister of Winslow farmer mainprised (for Mary Glenister) and acknowledged that he owed to the lord King £100; William Greene of Winge labourer mainprised and acknowledged that he owed the lord King £50; John Glenister of Winslow farmer mainprised and acknowledged that he owed the lord King £50; to be levied from their goods and chattels, lands and holdings, under the condition on the reverse.
[English] The condicion of the within written Recognizance is such that if Mary the wife of the within bounden Hugh Glenister doe make her personal appearance before his Majesties Justices assigned to take As[size at] ye next assizes & general goale delivery to be holden for the County of Buck & then and there answer to such matters as shall be objected against her by William Greene of Cublington concerninge the suspicion of breakinge his howse & takeinge away twenty pounds & other things & doe & receive ye Judgment of the Court & not depart the Court without Lycense Then this recognizance to be voyd or else to stand in full force
Hugh Glenister son of John was baptised at Winslow in 1656. A Hugh Glenister was buried in 1682 and John Glenister in 1684 (not necessarily the same people).